About Ontario eSchool
Ontario eSchool is an Online High School in the Province of Ontario, Canada and has the authority to grant credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Ontario eSchool has a highly experienced team of administrators and Ontario certified teachers committed to academic excellence and will prepare students to exceed their expectations and achieve outstanding success in a global community.
Why Ontario eSchool?
Flexible: We strive to serve as many International students as possible with their distance education needs. Whether you're looking for a Global Online educational experience or are looking ahead to continue your post secondary education at a North American university, Ontario eSchool'scontinuous enrollment and semester-free calendar means you will have more opportunities to study and succeed. Our courses are designed to offer you the independence and flexibility you need to get the most out of your high school education. Have a question? Contact one of our Student Support staff, and we'llget you started!
Affordable: Traveling abroad to a distant country, as a Visa student can be a very expensive ordeal. Registering for Ontario eSchool courses significantly reduces the cost of getting an international education. You can accumulate Ontario High School credits and work towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma within the comforts of your own home, eliminating travel costs, overseas living expenses and enormous Visa student tuition fees. At the Ontario eSchool, we recognize that many of our students come to us with a strong commitment to improve their education and their lives. An affordable fee is one way we want to ensure that you get off on the right track. Interested? Check out our high school courses and start enrolling today!
Accredited: Programs offered are accredited by Ontario eSchool and provide students with a reliable and dependable way to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Our courses follow or exceed the Ministry's rigorous curriculum guidelines. Your work is reviewed and graded by Ontario-certified teachers. Your transcripts and report cards are officially embossed with an Ontario high school seal and your Ontario Secondary School Diploma is signed by the Ontario Minister of Education. It doesn't get any more official than that!
Self Pace
The twenty first century student is faced with growing competition from within and beyond the borders of their own country. Students must take advantage of the accessibility to higher learning and strive to reach their full potential. To emphasize the importance of high school education and its commitment to educate students until adulthood, the Ontario Government has made it mandatory for Ontario students to attend school until the age of 18 (or until the OSSD is obtained). Students can take advantage of Ontario eSchool's open and continuous enrollment to supplement their own programs. The Ontario eSchool platform allows students globally to complete and/or supplement their education utilizing online technology from any place in the world at anytime of day or night.
Online Teacher
An online teacher will manage the course as the students work their way through the curriculum. The course content is online, as assignments are completed and submitted through the system, teachers will return them within 3 days graded and with constructive comments. Students can track their progress and have access to updated marks at all times.
Driver's Seat
Whether it is one course or several, Ontario eSchool puts the student in the "driver's seat" of their education. Students who need more time to practice their learning can choose to move slowly through their course whereas they may move quickly through other portions of their courses to remain engaged. If the student isn't ready to write a test on a certain unit or concept, he/she can review the material, ask the teacher for help and then write the test when he/she feels completely ready to do so.
Live Teacher
Ontario eSchool courses are unique! Within each course students will interact with a live teacher online. Students will have several 1 hour blocks of time each week to practice their learning one-on-one with a Certified Ontario College Teacher. Teachers will be able to directly help, motivate, and engage students as they navigate through our courses. This live interaction will also allow teachers to continuously assess a student’s progress and give them timely and effective feedback for a successful experience.