Student Information
Ontario Student Record (OSR)
In order for any student to take an online course with and Ontario High School, an Ontario Student Record (OSR) must either exist or be established. The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is a physical file folder containing the official school records for every student registered in a school in Ontario. The OSR contains such documents as credit transcripts, community service records, Ontario literacy records, report cards and other important information belonging to the student. Ontario eSchool through Ontario eSchool will establish an OSR for all students that are new to the Ontario educational system.
Required information:
The student will need to send proof of identification. Forward your picture ID (student ID, driver's license, etc.) to Ontario eSchool. There are 3 methods of submitting proff of identification, choose one of the following:
Upload as an attachment when submitting your registration form (recommended)
Attach to an email Addressed to
Mail to 27 Roytec Road Unit 8b, Woodbridge, Ontario, L4L 8E3
Official Transcripts
When taking courses with Ontario eSchool a copy of your official transcript containing the notarized seal of the issuing institution. We need these transcripts so that Ontario eSchool can generate an educational profile for each student and to make sure international students meet the prerequisite course requirement. Forward your official transcript to Ontario eSchool.
English Requirement
All courses at Ontario eSchool are delivered in English. Proficiency in English is a requirement. If you have been attending school in the United States or a foreign school in which the primary language of instruction has been English, you are exempted from demonstrating your proficiency in English. An International student, whose primary language is not English and who has not been attending an English language school should provide a demonstrated English-language proficiency.
Ontario eSchool will administer an English Literacy assessment online when the student first meets their teacher. The Ontario eSchool teacher will make sure that the student is placed in the correct ESL level. If the student has registered into the wrong level the teacher will make the appropriate course recommendations and necessary corrections. It is the student's responsibility to follow the teacher's recommendations.
There is no tuition refund once the student has been placed in the course. Students will receive a refund "only" if the student has not been assigned to a course. There will be a $50 cancellation fee charged to the student.
Students have 6 months from time of course enrollment to complete the course. Students that have exceeded the 6 months time-line will have their accounts inactivated. Students will be charged an administration fee of $125 to have their accounts re-activated. Students will now have 2 more months to complete the course. Students will be permanently withdrawn from their course if they take longer than 8 months to complete the course.
Course Transfer
A student enrolled into a course for less than a week and does not complete an assessment, may request to be transferred to another course. They must have made such a request within seven days of their initial enrollment. If this transfer request is approved by Ontario eSchool, it can proceed, but there will be a $125 processing fee.
Course Prerequisite
Certain courses require the student to have completed a prerequisite course. Students may begin the course without providing evidence that the required prerequisite has been completed, it is the student's responsibility to obtain and send us a copy of your Student Transcript (Mark Sheet) or Report Card or Credit Counselling Summary which proves to us that you have achieved the prerequisite for your course. Ontario eSchool will not issue the student a midterm or final report until the student provides evidence that the prerequisite course has been completed. This document may be mailed, faxed, or scanned and attached to an email. Students may request that Ontario eSchool waive the course prerequisite requirement. The criteria used by Ontario eSchool to determine if the prerequisite course is to be waived, is the student's age, education level and if the student has equivalent courses on their student records. The decision of Ontario eSchool will be considered final in all cases involving waiving prerequisite requirements.
Tuition refund policies, course transfer policies, student enrollment policies and course prerequisite policies may be modified at any time at the Ontario eSchool website. The use of Ontario eSchool courses indicates that the student accepts these aforementioned policies.