All Ontario Secondary School Courses Offered Online


All other ESL Courses have:

  • Watch and listen to short film clips and audio files
  • Watch Pre-recorded video lessons by English speaking teachers
  • Practice exercises
  • Tests to check what you have learned.

Only Ontario eSchool has:

  • Live face-­to-­face teachers with a North-American English accent
  • Beginner courses will also have a live face-­to-­face Mandarin specking teacher assistants for further support
  • Receive Ontario High School credits
  • The next best thing to being in an Ontario high school classroom

Benefits for International Students:

  • Save money no travel costs
  • Get a head start on the competition
  • An International Student does not require a study permit in order to take online courses at Ontario eSchool.

Study Online:

  • Practice your English privately with a Canadian teacher, no peer pressure
  • Easily to learn English in an already busy day
  • You schedule you own web conferencing tutoring with a Canadian teacher
  • Anytime anywhere
  • ESL courses can be used towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Exam Supervision Criterion / Final Exam

All courses will have final examinations unless otherwise agreed to by the Principal. 7 days prior to the preferred examination date, students will submit a supervisor approval form. The selected supervisor must be approved by Ontario eSchool before their exam date can be finalized. Examinations must take place in a community environment, they may not be held at a private residence. Supervisors require a professional work email Address and may be required to fax eSchool a copy of their diploma or certificate of qualification or practising license in order to validate an exam application. Acceptable supervisors include Ontario Certified Teacher, registered family physician, registered nurse, government social worker, registered phsychologist and professional registered counsellor. Relatives, acceptable supervisors without a professional email Address and hired tutors will not be approved to proctor a student exam. The approved supervisor is sent a password that is to be entered at the time of the exam allowing the student access.The supervisor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process. Students in online courses with final exams, must fulfill their responsibilities in arranging and taking a proctored final exam.

Course Prerequisites

In order for a course to be properly taught and understood, instructors depend on their students having and knowing the required background material. Students are responsible for ensuring they have obtained the necessary prerequisite for a course. Students that do not have a course pre-requisite yet can provide reasonable evidence of prior equivalent study or work experiences, may apply for a prerequisite exemption or obtain a Letter of Permission to Waive Prerequisite from their local school. Students will be required to submit their school grades and all relevant work/school experi-ence before their request is reviewed. Incomplete applications will automatically be denied. Students who enroll in a course for which they don't have the designated prerequisite for, and who haven't provided the required documents to allow exemption or permission to exempt may be removed from their course without refund at any time.

Ontario Secondary Graduation Requirements

To graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) you must earn credits, participate in community involvement activities, and complete the provincial secondary school literacy requirement. Credits Needed to Graduate Students must earn the following compulsory credits to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

18 compulsory credits


(1 credit per grade)


(at least 1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)




French as a Second Language


Canadian History


Canadian Geography


The Arts


Health and Physical Education




Career Studies*

Plus ONE credit from each of these three groups


Group 1: 1 additional credit in English or French as a Second Language**, or a Native language, or a classical or an international language, or social sciences and the humanities (family studies, philosophy, world religions), or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, or cooperative education***


Group 2: 1 additional credit in health and physical education, or the arts, or business studies, or French as a Second Language**, or cooperative education***


Group 3: 1 additional credit in science (Grade 11 or 12) or technological education (Grades 9 to 12),or French as a Second Language**, or computer studies, or cooperative education***

In addition to the compulsory credits, students must:


Earn 12 optional credits (courses you get to choose)†

Community involvement and literacy requirements

Complete 40 hours of community involvement activities

Complete the provincial literacy requirement

* A maximum of 3 credits in English as a Second Language (ESL) or English literacy development (ELD) may be counted towards the 4 compulsory credits in English, but the fourth must be a credit earned for a Grade 12 compulsory English course. ** In groups 1, 2, and 3, a maximum of 2 credits in French as a Second Language can count as compulsory credits, one from group 1 and one from either group 2 or group 3. ***A maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education can count as compulsory credits. † The 12 optional credits may include up to 4 credits earned through approved dual credit courses. 2010

What is a credit?

A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion of a course that has been scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours. Credits are granted by the principal on behalf of the Minister of Education and Training for courses that have been developed or approved by the ministry. A half-credit may be granted for each 55-hour part of a 110-hour ministry developed course. Half-credit courses must comply with ministry requirements as outlined in the curriculum policy documents. Ontario eSchool students' learning is self-directed but, the nature of the nature of the learning will dictate that students spend time with on the Ontario eSchool platform, reading, practicing, exploring, discussing and being evaluated. By virtue of the fact that Ontario eSchool courses are entirely online, students will experience first-hand the benefit of a technologically enriched education and the ability to take more time with their learning in order to achieve at their own potential.

The 40-hour Community Involvement Requirement

As part of the diploma requirements, you must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities. These activities may be completed at any time while you earn your secondary school credits.

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

All students must successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) in order to earn a secondary school diploma. The test is based on Ontario curriculum expectations for language and communication, particularly reading and writing, up to and including grade 9. The OSSLT is the standard method for assessing the literacy skills of students in Ontario for the purpose of determining whether students meet the provincial secondary school literacy requirement for graduation. The test identifies students who have demonstrated the required skills in literacy as well as those who have not demonstrated the required skills and will need to do further work. The test identifies the specific areas in which these students need additional study. Students who write the OSSLT but do not succeed must re-take the test and complete it successfully in order to qualify for a secondary school diploma. There is no limit to the number of times the test may be re-taken.

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC)

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) has been developed to provide students who have been unsuccessful on the OSSLT with intensive support in achieving the required reading and writing competencies, and with an alternative means of demonstrating their literacy skills. Students who have had two opportunities to take the OSSLT and have failed it at least once are eligible to enroll in the OSSLC.

Ontario High School (Credit Courses)

Before Registering for a Course

Before registering for any courses, please ensure that you have the required prerequisite for the course. Permission to write a final exam will not be released without proof of completion of the prerequisite. If there are any questions regarding prerequisites you may contact us at

Please read the Ontario eSchool policy on refunds, course changes, prerequisites and course time lines.


Issues in Canadian Geography Academic English
Academic English

Applied English
Applied English


Academic Science
Academic Science


Media Arts
Media Arts

Canadian History Since World War I Civics and Citizenship Academic English
Academic English

Career Studies
Career Studies

Principles of Mathematics Academic Science
Academic Science


Financial Accounting Fundamentals
Financial Accounting Fundamentals

American History
American History

Understanding Canadian Law
Understanding Canadian Law

University English
University English

Functions and Applications
Functions and Applications


College Biology
College Biology

University Biology
University Biology

University Chemistry
University Chemistry

University Physics
University Physics


Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Financial Accounting

International Business Fundamentals
International Business Fundamentals

Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals World History: The West and the World Analyzing Current Economic Issues Canadian and International Law College English
College English

University English
University English

The Writer's Craft
The Writer's Craft

Families in Canada
Families in Canada

Challenge and Change in Society World Cultures
World Cultures

Foundations for College Mathematics Mathematics for College Technology Calculus and Vectors
Calculus and Vectors

Mathematics of Data Management Advanced Functions
Advanced Functions

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course University Biology
University Biology

University Chemistry
University Chemistry

College Physics
College Physics

University Physics
University Physics


English as a Second Language ESL Level 1 English as a Second Language ESL Level 2 English as a Second Language ESL Level 3 English as a Second Language ESL Level 4 English as a Second Language ESL Level 5


World History to the Sixteenth Century
World History to the Sixteenth Century

The Individual and the Economy
The Individual and the Economy

Cooperative Education Foundations for College Mathematics College Chemistry
College Chemistry